《Cassette Hunter : Future Funk II - 喜びの涙》V.A ( 2021 Kind of Blue Records / Licensed by Neoncity Records )
「Cassette Hunter」自 2019 年起推出《Future Funk》系列專題文章,並推出《Cassette Hunter : Future Funk》卡帶 EP,受到廣大樂迷喜愛。今年也再度規劃第二輯,並由台灣唯一卡式帶專賣店「感傷唱片行」店長游璨賓負責選曲。他想像著:「卡帶獵人到世界各地尋寶,花費很長的時間終於找到心儀已久珍貴卡帶時,落下喜悅的眼淚。」以此作為本輯的故事情節編排曲目,收錄六首由 Future Funk 指標創作者 Macross 82-99、Night Tempo 等人的精彩之作。
封面圖像邀請台灣新生代人氣插畫家低級失誤 Saitemiss 創作。她生動描繪出卡帶獵人落下喜悅之淚那一刻,並說道:「過去人們發明了許多用來承載創作的物品,卡帶也是其中之一。那個看起來像是塑膠玩具的小東西,居然能如此精美的被呈現於現實世界中。獵人們不會錯過任何美好的東西,他們珍藏美麗的事物,都含著模糊的淚水。或許,有天這些小東西能伴隨著他前往更遠的地方。」
卡帶 EP 及限量週邊商品,將於 6/18(五) 開始預購!喜歡 Future Funk 及低級失誤的粉絲們,千萬不要錯過!
Cassette Hunter is a platform devoted to audio cassettes. Since beginning the Future Funk article series and releasing the "Cassette Hunter: Future Funk" cassette EP in 2019, Cassette Hunter has been well received among music fans.
The tracks on the second EP have been selected by YU, the proprieter of Taiwan's only store specializing in cassettes, Kind of Blue Records. He believes that "Cassette hunters travel the world looking for treasures. When they finally find great cassettes for which they've long been searching, they cry tears of joy." With this sentiment guiding his selection, six songs were included by iconic Future Funk artists, such as Macross 82-99 and Night Tempo.
Saitemiss, a popular illustrator of the new generation in Taiwan, again contributed cover art for the second EP. Regarding the cover, which vividly depicts the moment at which cassette hunters shed their tears of joy, she explains:
"In the past, people created many different objects to hold artistic creations, cassettes being one of them. These little things, which look like plastic toys, can actually be beautifully presented like this in the world of the present. Hunters don't miss anything of beauty and the beautiful things they collect contain their tears. Perhaps someday these small things can accompany them on a longer journey."
New EP Pre-order on Bandcamp 17th June at 8PM (Pacific Time).
「Cassette Hunter」は、2019 年から特集記事 「Future Funk」を掲載し、《Cassette Hunter : Future Funk》カセット EP もリリースした。 今年、第 2 弾を企画し、台湾唯一のカセット専門店「感傷唱片行」の店長ユーが選曲を行う。アーティストの Macross82-99、Night Tempo などによる素敵な 6 曲を収録。
新 EP《Cassette Hunter : Future Funk II - 喜びの涙》の予約受付は 6 月 18 日(金)午後 13 時から開始!