位於香港的唱片行 Analog Dept. Records Analog Dept.,現址原為倉庫,直至 2018 年才轉為營業空間對外開放。兩位主理人邱詠龍(Ian)和曾偉豪(Andy)皆為音樂愛好者,曾在同間公司工作,後來合夥開立唱片行。早期經營黑膠批發,後來開店後也加入了卡式帶商品。投身唱片業界多年的他們,基於對於音樂的使命感,也希望讓更多人接觸實體唱片,持續堅持著。
✐ Add / 2 /F, Ming Sang Industrial Building, No.19 Hing Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong
✐ Open Hours / Mon. ~ Fri. 12:00~20:00、Sat. 12:00~19:00 ( Sun. Closed )
Analog Dept. Records, a record store located in Hong Kong, was originally a warehouse. It was not opened to the public until 2018. The directors, Ian and Andy, are both music lovers. They used to work for the same company and later started a record store in partnership. In the early days, they operated vinyl wholesale and later joined cassette products when they started the shop. They have been in the recording industry for many years. Based on their sense of mission in music, they also hope to let more people come into contact with physical recordings and stick to it.
香港にある Analog Dept. Records はもともと倉庫だったが、2018 年からお店を開いた。主理人の Ian と Andy は音楽愛好家で、同じ会社で働いていた後、パートナーシップでレコード店を始めた。当初はビニール卸売を運営しており、後に出店後にカセット商品を追加。 彼らは長年レコーディング業界に携わっており、音楽に対する使命感に基づいて、より多くの人にフィジカルレコードに触れてもらい、続けている。